After Car crash – Auto Technician Or Collision Repair Technician?

After an accident or a car crash, you may be extremely concerned about how soon you can get your car in running condition again. At the same time, you’d also want to make sure that your insurance claim is processed properly by your insurance company. For both of these, you will need an experienced car repair expert by your side.

Auto Technician Or Collision Repair Technician: Which One To Choose?

But should you get in touch with a collision repair technician near you or an auto technician to get your car fixed after a crash?

This question leaves a lot of people stumped. Not to worry; in this blog, we will compare the roles of the two and help you to choose the right person for the task:

Comparing Auto Technicians & Collision Repair Technicians

When we talk about auto mechanics, we usually think about auto dealerships. These have a dedicated service team for car maintenance. Here, it is essential to note that most dealerships get 3rd party auto repair mechanics to fix more critical car issues which have been caused by collisions. Dealerships see a lot of customers every day, and they usually don’t have the time or the expertise to deal with intricate repairs. Moreover, they are notorious for charging a lot for such repairs since vehicle maintenance is their forte, not repairs.

On the other hand, collision repair technicians in Waukee, IAoffer specialized services that revolve around collision repair. This includes comprehensive frame reconstruction, paintwork, to welding. They can take care of minor damages and also ensure that your car is restored to its former glory after a major accident. They are trained specifically to diagnose, identify, and repair internal issues that may arise after a collision, even if your car looks fine on the outside.

Moreover, a few automotive collision repair specialists in Waukee, IA, also help you out with the insurance paperwork and claims adjustments since they have insider knowledge of the entire process. At Graham Collision, for instance, we also offer to connect you with rental car service providers so that you are not inconvenienced when your ride is being fixed.

Think Collision Repair. Think Graham Collision

Our collision repair centers in Urbandale and Waukee have skilled and experienced collision repair technicians who will be more than happy to answer your car-related questions and concerns. Hit us up if you are in the area!
